KUCERA Rechtsanwälte is a law firm (Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft) whose advisory focus is on the real estate industry.

Real Estate
#Projects #Transactions #Finance
#Asset Management #Taxation #Structuring #Hospitality #Litigation #Notarial Services

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News about KUCERA:
Deals, briefings, publications and awards.
KUCERA once again supports the “Father Christmas in a shoebox” campaign
Once again this year, KUCERA was delighted to take part in the "Father Christmas in a shoebox" campaign and actively sup ...
KUCERA recognized as one of the best commercial law firms in the Best Lawyers/Handelsblatt ranking “Germany’s Best Law Firms 2024”
Handelsblatt, one of Germany's largest business newspapers, and the US publisher Best Lawyers have identified the best c ...
EXPO REAL 2024 – KUCERA will be there again!
Meet us from October 7 to 9 at EXPO REAL 2024 in Munich at booth C1.430! Our team will be present at the real estate fai ...
KUCERA congratulates!
We are delighted that our colleagues Dr. Helmut Kienle and Dr. Raphael Nordhues have successfully completed their doctor ...
KUCERA advises Frankfurter Sparkasse on the purchase of the Signa property Hauptwache 1 in Frankfurt am Main!
We congratulate Frankfurter Sparkasse on the purchase of Hauptwache 1 in Frankfurt am Main and would like to thank our c ...
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KUCERA - Real Estate Matters

KUCERA Rechtsanwälte is a law firm whose advisory focus is on the real estate industry.

Real Estate
Finance Tax Hotel Litigation  Notary

With its clear focus on the real estate sector and our industry experience, we represent a genuine alternative to the real estate teams of big law firms. Our clients benefit from our real estate expertise.

We can provide advice on all legal and tax questions that may arise during a property’s life cycle. Our activity relates in particular to existing and projected properties, special properties such as hotels and other operator-specific properties, as well as investment properties.

Our clients are national and international real estate managers, real estate investors, project developers, financial institutions as well as real estate users. That is why everyone at our law firm is fluent in English.

All our professionals work in the field of real estate law and also possess sector-specific expertise. This is why complex transactions, contract drafting, tax-optimised corporate structurings and international matters are part of our day-to-day business at KUCERA, making us a genuine alternative to the big law firms.

Established in 2004 as a spin-off of an international law firm, KUCERA has established itself as one of the leading German real estate law firms. As an alternative to the real estate teams of large law firms, we advise on all legal and tax issues that arise during the “life cycle” of a property. Complex transactions and contract drafting, tax-optimised corporate structuring and international matters are part of our daily business.

Our focus on the real estate business and sector-specific expertise enable us to provide you with fast and sound advice at the highest level, to implement demanding projects in an agile manner and to support ongoing real estate management. Our clients benefit from our industry knowledge, scalable teams and digital legal work flow support.

Our clients include national and international real estate managers, private, commercial and institutional real estate investors from Germany and abroad, housing associations, family offices, project developers, property developers, public institutions, banks and insurers as well as real estate users.

We cooperate with friendly partner law firms abroad with whom we work successfully.

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