KUCERA advises Frankfurter Sparkasse on the purchase of the Signa property Hauptwache 1 in Frankfurt am Main!

We congratulate Frankfurter Sparkasse on the purchase of Hauptwache 1 in Frankfurt am Main and would like to thank our client for allowing us to assist them in this transaction.

KUCERA lawyers Dr Raphael Nordhues, Oliver Platt LL.M (UW Madison) and Andre Barth (all Real Estate & Restructuring), Dustin Deißler (Real Estate) and Finn Kalmus (Real Estate/Insolvency) advised on the transaction. KUCERA lawyer Isabel Tannenberg advised on tax law together with Maximilian Elbert (Structuring, Taxation). Read more…

Dr. Raphael Nordhues
Oliver Platt, LL.M.
Andre Barth
Dustin Deißler
Finn Kalmus
Isabel Tannenberg
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